Christmas comes early
Which makes me very happy. First, when I woke up today, the world was still kind of brown and frost-green, which is depressing in Vermont in early December.
By the time I got home from work at 3pm, the world looked like this.Bad blogger for taking the picture through the window, but I was cold and exhausted. Please forgive.
After I snapped this shot, I tucked my headcold-ridden self into bed and slept until Robb called me about an hour after I fell asleep. I have the vaguest recollection of our conversation, and then I slept for another two hours. Woke up feeling even sicker, but completely incapable of any more sleeping. So I adjurned to the couch for Buffy and knitting.
The stealth socks continue -- we're almost done gusset#1, and the Superman mojo gets stronger with every round.
The baby sweaters are doing great; the little girl's sweater just needs to get sewn up (it did not crumble into dust in the washer, so I'm hoping that whatever it was that I snipped was not crucial), and I'm done the back and one front on Sammy's sweater. Depending on my priorities tomorrow, I might get them both done.
I'm also going to take my customer appreciation card over to the yarn store and buy the yarn for four pairs of FiberTrends felted clogs for Christmas presents. I should be able to get those done in the next week, if I spring for nicer needles in that size (I hate using bigger than size 8s, so I bought the cheapest 15s they had, and they *squeaked* with every stitch). At that point, I can decide if I make more slippers for the ladies in the family, or continue on with my fingerless glove plan. Or buy them all pretty jewelry and nice soap. We'll see how things are by then.
But the best part of today? The part that made going to work sick and staying at work sicker and putting up with Robb's mid-evening cell phone tantrum all worth it? He came home resolved to stop working these insane hours, to talk to his boss and point out that Dave always makes comments about how Robb should propose to me, and not let me get away, and blah blah blah -- and Robb's basic point is "Then why don't you let me see her?" Not in so many words, exactly...but growing up with a workaholic dad I hardly ever saw, and then seeing how immersed Robb was becoming in his job...
...this is the best Christmas present I ever could have gotten.
He's totally getting that sweater next year, whether he gets me a ring or not.
Who's happy dancing with me?
Count me in on the happy dancing. :)
Hope you feel better soon!
How did I not see this post earlier?! Wow. My best to the both of you; you've both got such a good one there. And I love that picture of the snow: see, it's not just one of those myths Californian parents tell their kids to make them appreciate their boring weather--snow really does exist!
(Said the woman with the only snow shovel in the city.)
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